ChipFind - Datasheet

Part Number DS1921K

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§ Starter Kit to evaluate the DS1921
Thermochron iButton temperature recording
§ Free Windows software downloaded from the
§ Hardware included:
DS1921 Thermochron iButton
DS9097U-009 PC serial adapter with
DS1402D-DR8 Blue Dot to configure and
download Thermochron
The DS1921K Thermochron iButton Starter Kit provides basic hardware and software for a quick
evaluation of Dallas Semiconductor's Thermochron iButton, using an IBM-compatible computer. The kit
includes a Thermochron iButton and the hardware to communicate with it. The demonstration software
is easily downloadable from Dallas Semiconductor's web site at
. If access to the Internet is unavailable, then
request a copy of the software on 3 ½" floppies when ordering the kit.
For developing applications for the Thermochron or other iButtons, a Software Developer's Kit
(DS0621­SDK) is available. The Developer's Kit includes complete documentation of the iButton-
TMEX API and example programs in several source code languages. The iButton-TMEX example
programs include a Thermochron iButton download and configuration source code example. The SDK
can be downloaded from
Thermochron iButton Starter Kit