ChipFind - Datasheet

Part Number DS1410K

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Developer's Kit
032398 1/1
DS1410E Parallel Port Adapter
DS1402D­DB8 Blue Dot Receptor
DS1991 Multi iButton
DS1994 Time iButton
Customer registration form
The DS1410K Developer's Kit contains all the software
and hardware necessary to complete integration of the
DS1410E iButton Holder and corresponding iButtons
into an application.
The software provided contains an object file (called the
Access System), which must be linked with the applica-
tion code to provide the communication path between
the host and the DS1410E.
Documentation and examples in a variety of program-
ming languages are also provided for reference. The
DS1410E supports DOS, OS/2, Windows (3.1, 3.11, 95,
NT), and PC­UNIX operating systems.
The kit also provides two different iButtons, a DS1410E
iButton Holder, and optional accessories to extend the
number of iButtons per holder or to provide convenient
access. No other software or hardware is necessary to
move into production. Simply choose the iButton(s)
according to your scheme, link the object file with the
application code, and purchase additional iButtons and
holders on an as needed basis.
A Customer Registration Form is provided for easy
access to free upgrades and discounts on the purchase
of other Dallas Authorization Developer's kits.