ChipFind - Datasheet

Part Number SLE66CLX640P

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Security & Chip Card ICs
16-Bit High Security Dual Interface Controller
ISO/IEC 7816 and 14443 Type A & B Compliant Interfaces
For Contact and Contactless Operation

with Memory Management and Protection Unit
in 0.22 µm CMOS Technology
136-Kbyte ROM, 5-Kbyte RAM, 64-Kbyte EEPROM
1100-Bit Advanced Crypto Engine
supporting RSA and Elliptic Curve GF(p)
112-Bit / 192-Bit DDES-EC2 Accelerator
supporting DES, 3DES and Elliptic Curve GF(2

Short Product Information
April 2004

SLE 66CLX640P Short Product Information
Ref.: SPI_SLE66CLX640P_0404.doc
This document contains preliminary information on a new product under development.
Details are subject to change without notice.
Revision History:
Current Version 2004-04-27
Previous Releases:

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Published by Infineon Technologies AG, SMS Security Applications Group
St.-Martin-Strasse 53, D-81541 München
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Short Product Information
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16-Bit High Security Dual Interface Controller
ISO/IEC 7816 and 14443 Type A &B Compliant Interfaces
For Contact and Contactless Operation with MMU in 0.22 µm CMOS Technology
136-Kbyte ROM, 5-Kbyte RAM, 64-Kbyte EEPROM
1100-Bit Advanced Crypto Engine supporting RSA and Elliptic Curve GF (p) and
112-Bit / 192-Bit DDES-EC2 Accelerator
supporting DES, 3DES and Elliptic Curve GF (2n)

Enhanced low power 8051 CPU with
extended addressing modes for dual
interface smart card applications
Instruction set opcode compatible with
standard 8051 processor with additional
powerful instructions optimized for smart
card application
Enhanced architecture with execution
6 times faster (18 times using
than standard 8051 processor at
same external clock
134 Kbytes User ROM for operating
system and application (programs & data)
2 Kbytes reserved ROM for Resource
Management System (RMS_E) with
Contactless Optimized EEPROM
write/erase routines
64 Kbytes Secure EEPROM in
SuperSlim technology for application
program and data
4k bytes XRAM, 700 bytes Crypto-RAM
and 256 bytes internal RAM for fast data
Memory Management Unit
Certified True Random Number
Dual Key Triple DES (DDES) &
) Elliptic Curve (EC2) Accelerator
Advanced Crypto Engine for Elliptic
Curve GF(p) and up to 2048 bits RSA
CRC Module according to ISO/IEC 3309
supporting CCIT v.41 & HDLC X25
8 Interrupt Vectors Module with 3 priority
levels to ensure real time operation
PLL: to speed up the internal CPU clock
frequency up to 15MHz
(optional use)
Two 16-bit Timers with interrupt capability
for protocols, security checks & watch dog
Power saving sleep mode
Temperature range:
contact-based: -25°C to +85°C
contact-less: -25°C to +70°C
Short Product Information
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Full operation either via Contact-based
and/or Contactless interfaces
controlled by Operating System
enhances Security Level
Contact-based Interface
Contact configuration and serial
interface according to ISO/IEC 7816
UART handling serial interface compliant
with ISO/IEC 7816 supporting
transmission protocols T=0 and T=1
Supply voltage range:
5V ± 10% (Class A)
3V ± 10% (Class B)
Current consumption < 10 mA @ 5.5 V
External CPU clock frequency:
1 to 7.5 MHz
Internal CPU clock frequency:
up to 15 MHz
ESD protection larger than 6 kV
Contactless Interface
Interface according to ISO/IEC 14443 for
both Type A and Type B
Carrier frequency 13.56 MHz
Data rate
106 Kbit/s in type A operation
up to 848 Kbit/s in type B operation
Anticollision & Transmission Protocol
supported by open source application
notes for both Type A & B
Flexible Internal CPU clock frequency:
fully configurable from 1.7MHz up to
15 MHz
256 bytes buffer for contactless data
exchange (FiFo circular architecture)
Parallel operation of CPU, Peripherals
like DES, CRC and Contactless Interface
possible for High Demanding
Contactless Applications
EEPROM (SuperSlim Technology)
Byte wise EEPROM programming and read
Versatile & Flexible page mode for 1 to 256
bytes write/erase operation
32 bytes security area including:
- 16 bytes chip unique identification number
- 16 bytes PROM area (OTP like)
Fast personalisation mode 1.5 ms
Typical Page Erase time < 2.5ms
Typical Page Writing time < 1.8 ms
Minimum of 100.000 Write/erase cycles
Data retention for a minimum of 10 years
EEPROM programming voltage generated
on chip
Memory Management and Protection
Addressable memory up to 1 Mbytes
Separates OS (system mode) and
Application (application mode)
System routines called by traps
Access Restrictions to peripherals in
application mode controlled by OS
Code execution from XRAM possible
Values are temperature dependant
Short Product Information
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Security Features
Operation state monitoring mechanism
The chip goes in a secure reset state on any
following sensors alarm:
Low and high voltage sensors
Internal voltage sensor
Frequency sensors and filters
Light sensor
Glitch sensor
Temperature sensor
Life Test Sensor
Internal power-on reset sensor
Active Shield with automatic and user
controlled attack detection
Secure chip and firmware design
Security scrambled & optimized chip
layout against physical chip manipulation
Memory encryption/decryption module
against reverse engineering and power
ROM code not visible due to implantation
Mask dependant ROM code encrypted
during production
Chip Unique encryption of the XRAM and
Flexible encryption of part or whole
EEPROM by additional user-defined key
16 byte Unique chip identification number
for anti-clone countermeasure & tracking
16 bytes security PROM hardware
protected (OTP like)
Secure start of the operating system
ensured by certified Self Test Software
Certified EEPROM programming routines
True Random Number Generator with
Firmware test function
High Speed SPA/DPA resistant Triple
DES (DDES) Accelerator and Advanced
Crypto Engine
Anti Snooping
HW-countermeasures against SPA/DPA-,
Timing- and DFA-attacks (differential fault
Supported Standards
ISO/IEC 7816
EMV 2000
GSM 11.1x
ETSI TS 102 221
ISO/IEC 14443
ISO/IEC 3309
CCIT v.41