ChipFind - Datasheet

Part Number ADSP-21000

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The Summit-ICE
system is a PCI Local Bus card-based DSP emulator. That emula-
tor provides a high-speed emulation solution designed to support Analog Devices
(ADI) JTAG DSPs. The Summit-ICE emulator connects from the PCI card to an ADI
J TAG DSP via a JTAG pod and cable. The JTAG pod and cable measures 5 feet in
length, supports 3V and 5V DSP targets, and is constructed from copper- s h i e l d e d
cabling to provide electromagnetic interf e rence (EMI) protection. With the high-
speed PCI bus standard on all new desktop PCs, this product is the right choice for
ADI DSP development.
Customers looking for the highest perf o rmance from an emulation system for ADI
J TAG DSPs should choose the Summit-ICE PCI based emulator.
Available software is ADI's Vi s u a l D S P + +
development environment. Software is
sold separately.
Key Featur e s
· Rugged high-speed 3V/5V scan-based
flexible emulator cable and pod (5 feet)
· Plug-and-Play installation
· Supports ADI's S H A R C
D S P,
D S P, Blackfin
DSP, and
· CE-certified
System Requirements
· P e n t i u m
166 MHz or higher
· Minimum of 32 megabytes of PC-AT
m e m o ry
· Wi n d o w s
98, Windows 2000, or Wi n d o w s
NT 4.0 or gre a t e r
· One 32-bit PCI slot
S u m m i t - I CE PCI-Based Emulator
for Analog Devices JTAG DSPs.
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Analog Devices' DSP Tools Product Line
, Analog Devices' DSP development tools product line,
p rovides easier and more robust methods for engineers to develop and
optimize DSP systems by shortening product development cycles for
faster time-to-market.
The CROSSCORE components include the VisualDSP++ software
development environment, EZ-KIT Lite
evaluation systems, and
emulators for rapid on-chip debugging. VisualDSP++ is an integrated
s o f t w a re development environment allowing for fast and easy develop-
ment, debug, and deployment. Emulators are available for PCI and
USB host platforms. The EZ-KIT Lite evaluation system provides an
easy way to investigate the power of the ADI's family of DSPs to devel-
op applications.
Analog Devices is committed to continuous expansion of leading-edge
development solutions for DSP design engineers every w h e re.
For more information on the tools product line visit the Analog Devices
website w w w. a n a l o g . c o m / d s p / t o o l s / .
Analog Devices DSP
Analog Devices offers a wide range of DSP solutions from low-power
16-bit DSPs (ADSP-21xx family) to high-perf o rmance 32-bit SHARC
and Blackfin
DSPs. Our advances in design give you faster pro c e s s-
ing, more memory, lower power consumption, and simplified system
integration. We give you a competitive edge by providing a complete
solution, including expert technical support, comprehensive DSP
development tools, and an independent network of third part y, DSP
C o l l a b o r a t i v e
p a rt n e r s .
DSP Tools Support
Tel: 1-800-ANALOGD
E m a i l :
N o rth America: d s p t o o l s @ a n a l o g . c o m
E u rope: d s p . e u ro p e @ a n a l o g . c o m
Web: w w w. a n a l o g . c o m / d s p / t o o l s
O rdering Inform a t i o n
Please call Analog Devices DSP Tools Product Line at 603/883-2430 or
your local ADI sales re p resentative or distributor for pricing and ord e r-
ing information for part number: A D D S - S U M M I T- I C E.
Worldwide Headquarters
One Technology Way
P.O. Box 9106
Norwood, MA 02062-9106
Tel: 781 329 4700,
(1 800 262 5643, U.S.A. only)
Fax: 781 326 8703
Analog Devices GmbH
Am Westpark 1 ­3 D 81373
München, Germany
Tel: 49 89 76903-0
Fax: 49 89 76903-157
Japan Headquarters
New Pier Takeshiba
South Tower Building
1-16-1 Kaigan, Minato-ku
Tokyo 105-6891, Japan
Tel: 3 5402 8200
Fax: 3 5402 1063
Southeast Asia Headquar t ers
4501 Nat West Tower
Times Square
1 Matheson Street
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong, PRC
Tel: 852 2 506 9336
Fax: 852 2 506 4755
© 2002 Analog Devices, Inc. The Analog Devices' logo, SHARC, SHARC logo, TigerSHARC, and
the TigerSHARC logo are re g i s t e red trademarks; DSP Collaborative, DSP Collaborative logo,
CROSSCORE, CROSSCORE logo, VisualDSP++, VisualDSP++ logo, Blackfin DSP, Blackfin DSP
logo, Summit-ICE, Apex-ICE, and EZ-KIT Lite are trademarks of Analog Devices, Inc. All other
brand and product names are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.
Printed in the U.S.A.
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