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Sensors, Transducers  ·  Humidity, Moisture


HIH-4030-003 — SENSOR HUMIDIDTY 5.8V 3.5% SMD

ManufacturerHoneywell Sensing and Control
Harmful substancesRoHS   Lead-free
Found under name480-3167, 480-3167-1, 480-3167-1-ND, HIH-4030-003S
Analogous by characteristics
PhotoNameManufacturerTechnical parametersPrices (rub.)Buy
HCH-1000-001HCH-1000-001Honeywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR CAPACITIVE HUMIDITY SIP
Sensor Type: Humidity  ·  Humidity Range: 10 ~ 95% RH  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 120°C  ·  Sensitivity: 0.6pF/%RH  ·  Response Time: 15s  ·  Output: Capacitance  ·  Capacitance: 330pF @ 55%RH
from 2,59
from 5,81
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HIH-4030-001HIH-4030-001Honeywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR HUMIDITY 5.8V 3.5% SMD
Sensor Type: Humidity  ·  Humidity Range: 0 ~ 100% RH  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 85°C  ·  Accuracy: ±3.5%RH  ·  Response Time: 5s  ·  Output: Linear Voltage  ·  Voltage - Supply: 4 V ~ 5.8 V
from 7,96
from 13,42
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HCH-1000-002HCH-1000-002Honeywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR CAPACITIVE HUMIDITY SIP
Sensor Type: Humidity  ·  Humidity Range: 10 ~ 95% RH  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 120°C  ·  Sensitivity: 0.6pF/%RH  ·  Response Time: 15s  ·  Output: Capacitance  ·  Capacitance: 330pF @ 55%RH
from 2,65
from 5,94
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HIH-4000-002Honeywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR CAPACITIVE HUMIDITY SIP
Sensor Type: Humidity  ·  Humidity Range: 10 ~ 95% RH  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 85°C  ·  Accuracy: ±3.5%RH  ·  Response Time: 15s  ·  Output: Linear Voltage  ·  Voltage - Supply: 4 V ~ 5.8 V
from 14,91Additional information
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HIH-5030-001SHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR HUMIDITY 5.5V 3% SMDfrom 32,46Additional information
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HIH-4000-003HIH-4000-003Honeywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR CAPACITIVE HUMIDITY SIP
Sensor Type: Humidity  ·  Humidity Range: 10 ~ 95% RH  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 85°C  ·  Accuracy: ±3.5%RH  ·  Response Time: 15s  ·  Output: Linear Voltage  ·  Voltage - Supply: 4 V ~ 5.8 V
from 14,57
from 23,94
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HIH-4602-CHIH-4602-CHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR HUMIDITY 5.8V 3.5% TO-5
Sensor Type: Humidity  ·  Humidity Range: 0 ~ 100% RH  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 85°C  ·  Accuracy: ±3.5%RH  ·  Response Time: 50s  ·  Output: Linear Voltage  ·  Voltage - Supply: 4 V ~ 5.8 V
from 39,88
from 58,93
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HIH-5030-001HIH-5030-001Honeywell Sensing and ControlHUMIDITY SENSOR SMD 3%from 6,14
from 11,01
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HIH-4000-004HIH-4000-004Honeywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR CAPACITIVE HUMIDITY SIP
Sensor Type: Humidity  ·  Humidity Range: 10 ~ 95% RH  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 85°C  ·  Accuracy: ±3.5%RH  ·  Response Time: 15s  ·  Output: Linear Voltage  ·  Voltage - Supply: 4 V ~ 5.8 V
from 18,18Additional information
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HIH-4031-001HIH-4031-001Honeywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR HUMIDITY 5.8V 3.5% SMD
Sensor Type: Humidity  ·  Humidity Range: 0 ~ 100% RH  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 85°C  ·  Accuracy: ±3.5%RH  ·  Response Time: 5s  ·  Output: Linear Voltage  ·  Voltage - Supply: 4 V ~ 5.8 V
from 8,47
from 8,76
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HIH-4000-001HIH-4000-001Honeywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR CAPACITIVE HUMIDITY SIP
Sensor Type: Humidity  ·  Humidity Range: 10 ~ 95% RH  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 85°C  ·  Accuracy: ±3.5%RH  ·  Response Time: 15s  ·  Output: Linear Voltage  ·  Voltage - Supply: 4 V ~ 5.8 V
from 12,73
from 20,91
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HIH-5031-001HIH-5031-001Honeywell Sensing and ControlHUMIDITY SENSOR SMD 3% W/FILTERfrom 6,96
from 7,20
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HIH-4031-003HIH-4031-003Honeywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR HUMIDIDTY 5.8V 3.5% SMD
Sensor Type: Humidity  ·  Humidity Range: 0 ~ 100% RH  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 85°C  ·  Accuracy: ±3.5%RH  ·  Response Time: 5s  ·  Output: Linear Voltage  ·  Voltage - Supply: 4 V ~ 5.8 V
from 11,17
from 20,19
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HIH-5031-001SHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR HUMIDITY 5.5V 3% SMDfrom 39,31Additional information
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