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Cable Assemblies  ·  Modular



ManufacturerTyco Electronics
Harmful substancesRoHS   Lead-free
Connector TypePlug to Plug
Number of Positions/Contacts8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)
Length16.01"" (4.88m)
FeaturesPatch Cable
Analogous by characteristics
PhotoNameManufacturerTechnical parametersPrices (rub.)Buy
1435834-4Tyco ElectronicsPATCHCORD CAT6 AMPTRAC WHITE 4'
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 4.00"" (1.22m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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1-1435834-4Tyco ElectronicsPATCHCORD CAT6 AMPTRAC WHITE 14'
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 14.00"" (4.30m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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1435834-5Tyco ElectronicsPATCHCORD CAT6 AMPTRAC WHITE 5'
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 5.00"" (1.52m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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1435333-5Tyco ElectronicsPATCH CORD CAT6 LSZH 5M WHITE
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 16.40"" (5m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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2-1435834-5Tyco ElectronicsPATCHCORD CAT6 AMPTRAC WHITE 25'
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 25.00"" (7.62m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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2-1435834-0Tyco ElectronicsPATCHCORD CAT6 AMPTRAC WHITE 20'
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 20.00"" (6.10m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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1-1435834-0Tyco ElectronicsPATCHCORD CAT6 AMPTRAC WHITE 10'
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 10.00"" (3.05m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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3-1435834-5Tyco ElectronicsPATCHCORD CAT6 AMPTRAC WHITE 35'
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 35.00"" (10.67m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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3-1435834-0Tyco ElectronicsPATCHCORD CAT6 AMPTRAC WHITE 30'
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 30.00"" (9.14m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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1435834-2Tyco ElectronicsPATCHCORD CAT6 AMPTRAC WHITE 2'
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 2.00"" (609.6mm)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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1435333-3Tyco ElectronicsPATCH CORD CAT6 LSZH 3M WHITE
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 9.84"" (3.00m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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1435834-9Tyco ElectronicsPATCHCORD CAT6 AMPTRAC WHITE 9'
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 9.00"" (2.75m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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1435834-7Tyco ElectronicsPATCHCORD CAT6 AMPTRAC WHITE 7'
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 7.00"" (2.12m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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1435834-3Tyco ElectronicsPATCHCORD CAT6 AMPTRAC WHITE 3'
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 3.00"" (914.4mm)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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1435333-1Tyco ElectronicsPATCH CORD CAT6 LSZH 1M WHITE
Series: AMPTrac  ·  Connector Type: Plug to Plug  ·  Number of Positions/Contacts: 8p8c (RJ45, Ethernet)  ·  Length: 3.28"" (1.00m)  ·  Shielding: Unshielded  ·  Color: White  ·  Features: Patch Cable  ·  Style: Cat6
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